Micheal Ang

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Starting point of Holidays!!

Standing at the starting point of Holidays,i take a deep breath,look straight through the way,thinking:"It's time to go." Ho-Ho-HOlidays!! I'm coming~
First,i plan to look after my grandpa during my holidays' journey,it doesn't have any other important things instead of taking care of him.Ya,he is quite old now,and now he is sick,quite worry...
Second,there is a camp at Penang Hotel which organised by Nt church,i m going to enjoy it. =)
Third,i m going to enjoy my homework and study during this free holidays,there are mountain of works i have to do.but still,i used to finish it with my joyful mood now. =) Thx God.

Hearing to the song,I'm Yours,my mood is not bad. ^^ typing the keyboard,i realized that the injury of my hand and my sprained leg doesn't look good.Lolz,it is still red. But then my hand which sprained together with my leg are fine now. =) Happy~ Going to take some rest time,then i will be back to basketball court. ^^ The Doctor is quite an old man,somehow,he is powerful and i m nearly to cry during the treatment,haha,well,i successful stopped my tears from my eyes. ^^v

p/s:Even there are Holi-days,do not forget our job,works,and identity,be a good child to ur mum,worry for them,be a good student to ur teacher,study and complete the hmwrks. ^^ Good luck.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Last on May

Stepping into June,it reminded me...HOLIDAYS!!! Haha...being too excited,even cant sleep well in the night...My friends,u know how the time pass so slow that i cant even believe my watch...

i have been two weeks didnt post any blog,miss my blog! ^^ Nevertheless,i'm now here to see u all again. =) Somehow,i felt sad for my class changing.My new friends there,Lim Father,Lu Ping,Tan,Teh,Sasi,Zer Ling,i will begrudge u all. T.T wuwu~ Hopefully there is some miracle~

NOW! It's time to ready my holidays,wahaha...so excited...Redang,Langkawi,Penang,and bla bla bla!! Or whatever! I'm Coming!! kaka~

BTW,my grandpa is feeling not well now,i"ll pray for him,hopefullyhe will turn pink as soon as possible... ~.~

p/s:Excited for the camp and going to see some Long-time-no-C friends. ^^

Friday, May 29, 2009

Dreamer and dreams

Who is the dreamer? and what is dream? ... Is it "good"? What do dreams mean?... Where do dreams come from? Is it from the sky? Can i find it if i can fly?...rain is coming,as tears too...

In our form 4 and form 5 poem,there is a "if" poem said that we can dream,but dont make dream our master.Ya,he is true.We can dream,of course,we can sleep right? Is dream means the video or may be pictures( not number) while we closed our eyes? Not really...Why should we dream then? Question mark is always given.Different people form different situations from different angles with different solutions might think of different meaning of dream.Right? or may be not...
Sometimes....someone....they work so hard for a dream,not even dreams...some may not even want to dream...Why...lazy and forget...Recalling my dream since i was trying to walk...i wished i can fly...Looking at the pure blue sky...it seems smiling at me...i smile back...too...as it seems welcoming me...

Ya,dream is just like sky.We can look at it and think of it all the time.Everyone should have their own dream,fight for it,work for it...Failure is just the path to success!Don't ever think of throwing ur towel...Achieve it,and make it the proudness of u...Everyone has their own sky...It won't be poluted by anyone except by ourself.You are the 1 who master ur dream and ur future.Just breath deeply and deeply...There is still a mountain to climb.

p/s:My friends,all the best...Good luck. =)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wednes-Holiday~ ^^

Darkness has come to Bm telling me that somewhere is having a serious funeral,beware!! xD~HOT noon huh? even the shirts are sweating~ sweat~~A joke is carried out by my notty english Teacher for students~Study when Hot in the night! You got no way but have to do like me if u wanna a comfortable place for study~ ^^ cheers~
Beware! Thats a room with Dangerous symbol where i m going in~scary~hehe...
when i stepped into the room,that's a totally different X-Ray's room from the imaginary room since i was still a kid.I thought it will have some machine such as a big television which can panetrate through my body...What a dissapointed room...cheh... =3=~
My leg which "terseliuh" has been scanned by X-ray,and Doctor told me"Your
overabundance fat layer has successfully protected your left leg,good job!" xD~

"Wow,Ee Shiuen has becoming better than before! Improved!"Sounds which go through my ears to my heart.It was sunday evening 7p.m. at Tunku Abdul Rahman Basketball's court which is in the small town,called Nibong Tebal.I decided to play more due to my strong ohm that day.Well,in the second match ,i guarded Jerry who is quite a fast-running player,i had to pay double attention on him.
"Foul!"my friend shouted.Ball passed to him and I dashed back to own defend position.A sudden blank splashed in my mind and i got to catch up Jerry who had already in front of me.The basket was just around me,i couldn't let him crossed over me!Stepping bigger than usual successfully brought me catching up to Jerry.Rising my hands and hopefully i could block his ball or may be i could at least block his vision from aiming the basket.I found out that i was getting lower when i tried to jump higher.No matter how my hands rised,my hands was still falling.In the moment of falling down,i still can remember the sounds of bone cracking.After falling on the ground,everyone came near to me and kept asking me what had happened.Well,my leg had sprained and i was gotta to leave the court.Somehow,after fews match,my leg was getting better i thought it's time for me to join them back.
Rain pitter-pattering on my car while i was driving to BM.I did not feel anything wrong and when i went up to my hostel and took off my shoes,i found that i was wrong! That is nothing wrong with my feeling but my brain! Hell,i knew my leg had sprained but i still decided to join back just because of feeling nothing.I should have to rest that time! Well,there is no use of talking too much nonsense. I took out what chinese called that as "Wind Oil" and i put it on my wounded place and chucked my leg.
"Hmm...what a nice morning sunlight!I like it."
Unexpectedly,i found out my leg was becoming bigger! No way,i went to Bm Hospital at that night and it took me 2 hours for the check up and enwasthement.Well,i met many strange things,which for me is strange but for others is normal,that i had never experienced.This is for addition,I met a guy who had an accident with his blood body being pushed to X-ray room.Scare me. =.=''
Well,after binding up for two days,which cumbered me when taking bath,walking down the stairs,to the school,and the most,in the toilet! Well,now my leg is fine and i decide to take it off.I can jump and run as normal but just not that high and fast.Thanks for taking care of me,my friends,i love u all. =) That God that I m fine now.
p/s:For friends who are now in college,form 6,matric,or somewhere that i might not be able to know,wish u all good lucks. May God bless u all. =)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Hammer Week~

Well,as normal,i went back to BM's hostel and started my study again. =) Monday, i was fully concentrated into my physic STPM past year's questions,which are given to us for the whole week homework,but i decided to finish it that night. =) Out of the blue,my sixth sense lead me feeling uncomfort,it told me that something bad gonna happen..."Ring~Ring~" i picked up the phone,it was Daniel,he told me about her.
It is just like throwing a hammer to my head,storm striking me...How come? Such a big changes.I was blank for hours.But then,I prayed to God,thanks him,plans for us,i have faith with him,then i smile from the bottom of my heart. =) It doesn't matter the distance,we still can keep in touch,and i decided to find her by driving to there later soon. Hehe~after that,i fall asleep with my light-hearted. =)
Well,i m gonna say sorry to another her here,that i had some mistaken,hopefully she will not mind what i did.Haha...Well,this week is quite a dissapointed-week.I know i will be alright soon.I m thinking the one who is planning for us,this really put down my heavy stone.Relax~take it easy,He is always beside us,taking care of us and carring us to better life,He will often make us a way as he is faith and truth of life! ^^ +u my friend,the tests which are from God is affortable for us,don't scare,we can do it. =)

p/s:I will pray for u,too as other. =)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Weekly Report...xD


哈哈,今天在pengajaran am的时候,我连续睡了四次,哈哈,够力!因为老师教的实在是太闷了,所以我也很成功的扮演了渔夫的角色,钓了很多大鱼~ ^.^
回到宿舍后,才发觉,今天,我感受到了在过去的一个月里从未感受过的感觉,“好冷啊~”因为刚下了好大好大的雨嘛!爽到~哈哈,所以回到家后,很自然的,大家都跑去睡了,而我还是坚持做完功课,才进房间,眠一眠~ 哈哈…7.30pm 吃完晚餐后,回到了加油站(my little study corner~ =P),“老板!大桶的!”哪知读到一半,楼下的房客不停的吵,还好良镇去说说他们…之后跑去了一楼的,找学长学姐,他们都很好,找他们聊聊天,之后就各自回去睡了~今晚会是很好睡的一晚~

昨晚的确很好睡,一觉到天亮,o(∩_∩)o…今天早上实在是超级冷的,或许用超级还不能说出那种冷感,是“冷爆!”我仿佛看见有雾在我们的冲凉房里呢!哈哈,真的不是开玩笑的,每个人进去之后都纷纷感冒了!之后呢,就各自上课去了,今天的节改了一点,因着“白哟”的老师生病了,可能他家没热水器吧?哈哈…于是我们的节提前了,而我便失去原先三小时空节的睡眠时间了。今天的我深深感受到中五与中六的差别,开始难了~ =S 五点,回到家后,立刻将理科的功课做完,哪知做到一题,做死都做不出,原来老师还没教,难怪…所以说啊,人生别越轨啊,否者真是自寻烦恼了,哈哈~重覆的了解老师所教的之后,就休息下咯…外面下着猫与狗的雨,不知人生乐观的良镇现在打球的怎样了呢?呵呵~再来是晚餐,这里有着非常好吃,美味可口,香喷喷,热腾腾,香脆口感十足的鸡扒饭,又很大包下,^_^…明天的课是十点,所以今晚读书就读迟一点咯~

P/S:今天早上我买了Sentry ward,一插下去便看到了它在我们窗外的屋顶上,还好发现得早,没有的话,我的一举一动都被他知道了…它是…OWL!!!! xD~ 说实在的,吓死我了!!

可恶,每逢下雨的前夕我都会头疼的,今天偏偏不下,头疼了整个早上,还好下午等我回到宿舍后下了,舒服了点,哈哈~今早得知振光(IBM的朋友)昨天打球时受伤了,满严重的,脚骨都歪了,他之后去了医院,照了X-Ray,包了扎,才一零吉罢了,哈哈,好便宜啊,因为那是政府医院嘛!下次我也去照爽!^. ^v…哈哈~刚刚读书到一半时,看出窗外,望着那漂浮不定的云,绿绿的山,感受了一阵凉风,深深的吸了一口气,叹了~伸伸懒腰,好舒服啊~不知远方的妈妈现在如何了?母亲节要到了哦~家人现在怎样了…朋友…说到朋友,真替他感到担心!他是一个很好的朋友,但说到读书…以他那样的成绩要读中六读得好其实是很难的,再加上他那懒洋洋的模样,真的得为他祷告了…之后跑进房间玩下大富翁四,就倒头大睡了。我明明有set闹钟的,睡醒时竟然九点了!还好事先有交代室友,睡醒就有炒饭吃了,o(∩_∩)o…哈哈~之后不知怎么的,应该是天气吧,不然又是那只虾(本人对虾敏感),我气喘了!哇佬,辛苦得不得了!还好我对气喘相当了解,立刻控制了呼吸气的规律,慢慢的缓和下来…好久没喘了,算算时间,也是对了,哈哈…进到房间后,开了mp3,想着休息一下下,哪知一开,竟是杨丞琳的缺氧!欠打!休息下后,回到“加油站”,继续读书!!今晚要好好睡咯~

而星期五呢,匆匆忙忙就回到家了,今天好累,早上八点到下午六点,开玩笑,马拉松都没那么甘苦... =.=''

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Hmm...she is a cute girl,and she is the only child who dare to take picture with me,haha...m i look like a child eater? =.=''
This what my station is about,Kinato...wakaka,children are all getting angry by my COOL explanation...hehe~ ^^v


A child who likes to make his own cute face to everyone...he is very cute! ^^

Looking at the orange light leads my mind blank;
Water flows through my mind,
Washing away what I mind;
Chewing my finger,
Missing the cat again…and again…
诺,信,祸,福,all come by tongue;
Command your teeth stick together at right time;
I had met the time stealer;
And I don’t even know I m the one…
Felt console…I have met the right 1;
Willing to kindle for him…
Success and failure…again…and gained…
Win doesn’t mean success,
Thank for taking care of me;
How touch am I…
Way of knowing him, armoring myself;
Way of following him, confiding me;
Way of trusting him, strengthen me;
Way of his way, I have seen the truth way;
再见咯… ^.^v

P/L(please Look): 1)我们必须准备for everything,2)学习语言的智慧,3)不可对人有偏见,今天教堂学的,Hehe~ =D

Friday, May 1, 2009

开心!! =D

哈咯,一周一次的Xuan's life report 又回来了,哈哈,这个星期好容易过,才上课四天,虽然很心急回来,可是我还是很专心哦。好啦,IBM那儿,是发生了些事,不过相信神一定很快帮我决绝的。
