In our form 4 and form 5 poem,there is a "if" poem said that we can dream,but dont make dream our master.Ya,he is true.We can dream,of course,we can sleep right? Is dream means the video or may be pictures( not number) while we closed our eyes? Not really...Why should we dream then? Question mark is always given.Different people form different situations from different angles with different solutions might think of different meaning of dream.Right? or may be not...
Sometimes....someone....they work so hard for a dream,not even dreams...some may not even want to dream...Why...lazy and forget...Recalling my dream since i was trying to walk...i wished i can fly...Looking at the pure blue seems smiling at me...i smile it seems welcoming me...
Ya,dream is just like sky.We can look at it and think of it all the time.Everyone should have their own dream,fight for it,work for it...Failure is just the path to success!Don't ever think of throwing ur towel...Achieve it,and make it the proudness of u...Everyone has their own sky...It won't be poluted by anyone except by ourself.You are the 1 who master ur dream and ur future.Just breath deeply and deeply...There is still a mountain to climb.
p/s:My friends,all the best...Good luck. =)
No beach liao la...wuwuwu T_T